WRTC 2002

We are ready to go.

You can see all what we need for WRTC.

On the desk - left to right :

1. Icom with single coax to antena selector.
2. Laptop for second operator with single cable for network.
3. Kenwood TS850
- coax for antenna selector
- cable for paddle, for DRU2 ( Voice Keyer), Cw keyer from PC, IF232,
   from power supply
4. PC for main operator
- RS232 for network
- RS232 for IF232
- LPT1 for Universal Radio Interface URI2000
5. On the PC URI with Band Decoder, Voice Keyer interface, Cw interface,
  IF232 interface, etc.

On back of the desk - left to right :

1. Antenna selector with two coax for radios and two antenna feeders. One cable for Band Decoder via diode matrix and quick antenna revers switch.
2. In line coax stubs switch - with two coax - one for main radio second for antenna selector and a few coax stubs for 80m, 40m, 20m . Cable for Band Decoder via diode matrix box.
3. Diode matrix box . Cable for antenna selector, coax stubs switch, Band Decoder, quick revers switch on the desk.

Black boxes

This is all. Small M/S station.

73 de Bogdan SP3RBR & Andrzej SP8NR

67-100 Nowa Sól
Al. Wolnosci 8
e-mail: sp3key@wp.pl

Bogdan SP3RBR Andrzej SP8NR

WRTC 2002 - POLISH TEAM II (wild card)
Kazik SP2FAX Krzysztof SP7GIQ

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Ostatnia aktualizacja 04-04-2002
E-mail: Tomek SP3DWQ